Heat Treatment of Non-Compliant Dunnage

Significant quantities of waste and excess dunnage is generated on port locations each month. This dunnage is typically non-compliant (not treated to ISPM-15 due to the low cost of this dunnage) and therefore becomes a BioSecurity risk to the importing country.

The BioVapor system can treat all non-compliant dunnage to the ISPM-15 standard providing compliant dunnage that can be re-used by the shipping companies or can be re-used or recycled in an environmentally sustainable way.


Key Benefits of BioVapor Treatment for Non-Compliant Dunnage:

  • dunnageComplete Collection, Treatment and Disposal Service Provided – BioVapor provides a 9m3 trailer for the collection of the dunnage around the port. Once full, the complete trailer and dunnage load is treated to ISPM-15. BioVapor then disposes of the treated dunnage off port in an environmentally sustainable way.

  • Rapid Treatment Time - Typical treatment time takes around one hour for a complete dunnage trailer.

  • Reuse, Recycle or Used as Firewood – Because dunnage is made from non-treated wood, once this wood has been BioVapor heat treated, it can then be safely re-used as dunnage or other packaging requirements, can be chipped for mulching purposes or can be safely used as firewood.